Iran Visa Requirements – Iran Travel Visa | GeoEx

Iran Visa FAQ’s

Obtaining Your Iran Visa

GeoEx provides visa assistance for guests who travel with us to Iran. Obtaining the visa is a two-step process. First, you’ll require a visa authorization code from the authorities in Iran, which GeoEx requests on your behalf. Once authorization is granted, GeoEx alerts you to submit your visa application through a visa service provider or local Iranian embassy. 

Visa Tasks & Timeline

  • Confirm your trip with GeoEx.
  • As soon as possible: Complete and return the GeoEx Visa Authorization Questionnaire. This information is necessary to obtain an authorization code.
  • 90 days prior to departure: This is the earliest that GeoEx may request a visa authorization code for our travelers. This process may take up to six weeks.
  • When the authorization code is obtained: GeoEx submits the code to the visa service provider or embassy at which the traveler is applying for the visa. GeoEx then notifies the traveler to submit passport and completed application to the visa service provider or embassy. Actually obtaining the visa may take up to three weeks.

 Given the above, GeoEx recommends confirming your trip at least three months prior to its departure date.

Obstacles to Obtaining a Visa

The following may preclude a traveler from obtaining a visa for Iran:

  • Evidence of past or planned travel to Israel. If your passport contains an Israeli stamp, you must apply for a second passport.
  • Current or past employment by the US government or military.
  • Applying for a visa before the authorization code has been obtained.
  • If you have current or past employment with any media companies, please contact an expert and we can discuss your options for travel to Iran.

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